Sunday, February 3, 2019

006 MCQ Objective Type Questions Test No. 006

Multiple Choice Question Tests are good tools for developing Analytical Capabilities. Here is one such Multiple Choice Objective Type Questions Test, which can be clicked online, and score checked online. Alternatively, if no time is available, answers can just be seen by moving mouse on the word 'mouse' at the end of each question.

1: ANATOMY - ILIAC CRESTS - from which stem-cells are harvested, are in
2176 a`brain b`chest c`hips d`limbs --mouse here to see answers.

503 a`staple crop is chief source of food b`Underutiised labor except for planting and harvesting seasons c`On traditional farm, output is always greater than consumption d`Cultivators utilise only a small portion of land --mouse here to see answers.

3: current affairs - UKIP is United Kingdom __ Party.
4717 a`Imperial b`Imperative c`Independence d`International --mouse here to see answers.

4: PHARMACOLOGY - DRUG REACTIONS - PERPHENAZINE in spite of SERIOUS side effects found its use as
2899 a`anticoagulant b`antidepressant c`antacid d`anabolic steroid --mouse here to see answers.

5: METEOROLOGY - Use of explosives for dispersal of salts in lower portion of clouds takes place in
1314 a`static cloud seeding b`dynamic cloud seeding c`hygroscopic cloud seeding d`all --mouse here to see answers.

6: DIGESTION AND CONSUMPTION - a starving person consumes first:
183 a`Body fats b`Body proteins c`Vitamins d`Stored glycogen --mouse here to see answers.

7: ZOOLOGY - BIRDS - have;
962 a`Left oviduct and right aortic arch b`Left oviduct and left aortic arch c`Right oviduct, left ovary and right aortic arch d`none --mouse here to see answers.

8: ANATOMY : VIBRISSA -is ___ in our nose.
2269 a`spine b`mucous membrane c`hair d`artery --mouse here to see answers.

3746 a`congenital structural b`acquired c`metabolic d`autoimmunal --mouse here to see answers.

10: ANATOMY - ALVEOLAR ARTERY - carries blood to
2371 a`ears b`eyes c`nose d`mouth --mouse here to see answers.

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